Programs & Events
Check the event calendar for the latest programs being offered at the Upper Merion Township Library from gardening to historical lectures, from career assistance to learning how to play bridge, we have a little bit of everything!
UMTL Silent Book Club
Come enjoy a easy, relaxed book club where you spend time reading your own book in the presence of others! You can choose to socialize or keep reading, whatever works best for you! Learn more about the program and how to sign up.
Book Discussion Sets to Borrow
Looking for the next great read for your own book club? Check out Book Discussion Sets from the library that you can borrow multiple copies of! For more information, ask a staff member!
Kanopy Tuesdays
Weekly on Tuesdays at 6pm
Adults, come to enjoy screenings of movies, documentaries, series, and more. Each week, attendees will have the opportunity to vote on the selection for the following week’s screening.
Mahjong Meetup Mania
Weekly on Thursdays from 1-3pm
Join us for Mah Jong at the library every Thursday from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM! Mah Jong is an engaging game similar to rummy, played with tiles instead of cards. We meet in the Valley Forge Room each week. Registration is encouraged, but NOT necessary. Players of all levels are welcome and we are FREE. Feel free to bring your own set, though we’ll have one available for play as well. Come and enjoy the fun!
Art, Games and Chit Chat for Adults with Disabilities
2nd and 4th Thursdays from 12:30-2pm
Get your creative juices flow while we make fun art projects. Don’t feel like being artsy ? We will have games and time for chit chat. Adults (18 and over) of all disABILITIES welcome. All materials included.
This program is designed to offer our disability community a chance to get together to socialize, explore different art activities and enjoy games. It will be a casual atmosphere where fun and self expression are encouraged. All materials will be provided. Support companions are required. Attendees must be 18 and up. Sessions will run on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month.
This program is being offered in collaboration with Autism Society Greater Philadelphia and co-sponsored by Upper Merion Township Library.