Evelyn Ankers is the Upper Merion Township Tax Collector as of the 2022 tax year. She collects real estate property taxes from Township residents and those funds are distributed to the Township, the Upper Merion Area School District, and Montgomery County. She is not an employee of the Township, School District, or the County, but an elected official. As such, the following information is being provided to you as a courtesy by the Township:
To contact your elected Tax Collector, she can be reached at:
Evelyn Ankers, Tax Collector
P.O. Box 62405
King of Prussia, PA 19406-2405
Tax office phone number: 484-501-4481 (phone messages returned daily)
Tax office email: UMTaxCollector@gmail.com
IMPORTANT NOTE: Ms. Ankers does not have the authority or ability to answer questions about or certify any taxes for years prior to 2022. The previous Tax Collector or the Montgomery County Tax Claim Bureau will need to be contacted for the same.
In-person Office Hours:
You may visit Ms. Ankers at the Administration Conference Room (ACR) which is located on the second floor of the Township Building. She will be available to accept payments (checks or credit card (2% fee), NO CASH) or answer questions. Her current office hours are:
Mondays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:00PM – 6:00PM
Fridays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:00PM – 6:00PM
Last Saturday of the month: . . . 9:00AM – 11:00AM (March – October only)
You may also pay your bill on Wednesdays from 11:00AM to Noon at the UM Community Center at Ms. Ankers’ Coffee with the Collector sessions. Coffee and donuts are provided while supplies last. Please note these hours are only held during the tax discount periods of March 1 – April 30 and July 1 – August 31.
If you would like to drop off a check outside of the Tax Collector’s office hours, there is a new secure drop box located in the lobby of the Township Building. Please write your parcel number neatly on the memo line of your check and include it with a copy of your bill in a sealed envelope. Personal checks are accepted through December 15th. From December 16 to December 31, checks MUST be certified bank checks or money orders. Credit card payment also acceptable during this time. Checks should be made payable to “Evelyn Ankers, Tax Collector”.
NOTE: If you would like a receipt, please include an envelope with your return address on it. The Tax Collector will cover the cost of the postage to mail the receipt to you.
For more information, or to make tax payments by credit card online, please visit the new Tax Collector website at: www.UpperMerionTaxCollector.com