- Robert DeFelice
- Paul Bevenour
- Wayne DeMitis
- David Camarda
- Robert Rosenberg, Alternate
- Vacant, Alternate
- Mark Zadroga, Staff Liaison
- Greg Philips, BOS Liaison
The Board of Supervisor of Upper Merion Township hereby establishes an Appeals Board pursuant to the Act to be known as the Upper Merion Township Appeals Board to hear and rule on appeals from decisions of the code administrator, requests for variances and requests for extension of time pursuant to the attached guidelines. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the intent of the Act or Uniform Construction Code has been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of the Act or Uniform Construction Code do not fully apply, or an equivalent form of construction is to be used. The Appeals Board shall have the widest possible jurisdiction authorized by the Pennsylvania Construction Code and the Uniform Construction Code, as amended.
The Appeals Board shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the Upper Merion Township Board of Supervisors as follows: one for five (5) years, one for four (4) years, one for three (3) years, one for two (2) years and one for one (1) year. Thereafter each new member shall serve for five years or until a successor has been appointed.
The Appeals Board shall consist of five (5) individuals, one from each of the following professions or disciplines described in Section 5 of the ordinance. The Board of Supervisors of Upper Merion Township shall appoint two (2) alternate members who shall be called by the Appeals Board Chairman to hear appeals during the absence or disqualification of a member. Alternate members shall possess the qualification required for Board membership and shall be appointed for five (5) years or until a successor has been appointed.