Not sure what to read next? The library staff have curated an extensive number of book lists as suggestions for your family to read. We’ve organized the lists by age group as well as by themes. If you’re looking for books on a topic you don’t see, check with a librarian for some additional suggestions!
Elementary School Age
- Great Beginner Reads
- Beginning Chapter Books
- K-1st Grade: Not Your Typical Reading List
- 2nd Grade: Not Your Typical Reading List
- 3rd Grade: Not Your Typical Reading List
- 4th Grade: Not Your Typical Reading List
- Titles for Advanced 3rd and 4th Graders
- Children’s Classics for Elementary School
- Elementary School Age STEM
Book Club Sets
Check out the children’s book discussion sets we have available to check out for teachers, book clubs, families, and more!
Diversity & Inclusion
- American Indian Youth Literature Awards
- Asian/Pacific American Awards for Literature
- Black Books for Kids (acknowledging, honoring, and celebrating the Black experience)
- Black Mighty Girls
- Coretta Scott King Awards (Awarded to African American authors and illustrators)
- Diversity & Inclusion Picture Book List
- Jewish Holidays
- Mighty Girls
- Pura Belpré Awards (Awarded to Latinx authors and illustrators)
- Schneider Family Book Awards (portrayal of disabilities)
- Stonewall Book Awards (LGBTQIA+ experience)
- Sydney Taylor Book Awards (authentically portraying the Jewish experience)
- Earth Day
- Jewish Holidays
- Patriotic Holidays – 4th of July, Election Day, Memorial Day, & Labor Day
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Football
- Hockey
- Soccer
- Olympics
- Other Sports (Volleyball, Running, Tennis, Gymnastics, Swimming, Hiking/Camping/Climbing, Skating & Skateboarding, Cycling)