Status of Applications
The table below outlines the current status of applications either heard by or pending before the Upper Merion Township Zoning Hearing Board. The applications are submitted to the township by the owner of the property, equitable owner or tenant.
Applicant | Proposed Development | Status |
ZHB 2012-01 Huy Khieu and Quyen Vu |
563 General Knox Rd., Zoned R2-A. Variance to place a shed on the side property line. | Application was denied on February 15, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-02 Charles M. Hartman |
426 King of Prussia Rd., Zoned R-1A. Variance to exceed building height and building coverage. | Application was approved on April 4, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-03 Robert Signorino |
306 W. Valley Forge Rd., Zoned R-2. Variance to construct an addition to encroach side yard set-back. | Application has been withdrawn. |
ZHB 2012-04 Manor Court, LLC |
600 W. Valley Forge Rd., Zoned AR. Variance/special exception to construct addition. | Application was approved on April 4, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-05 Hugo and Kristie Mazzalupi |
176 Hughes Rd., Zoned R-1A. Variance to allow a two-family dwelling. | Application was denied on April 4, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-06 Strayer University |
234 Mall Boulevard, Zoned CO. Variance to erect sign on the side of the building. | Application has been withdrawn. |
ZHB 2012-07 YKOP, LP |
215-217 W. Church Rd., Zoned LI Limited Industrial. Special exception to allow a religious use. | Application was approved on May 16, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-08 Michael G. Kraus |
203 Holstein Rd., Zoned R-1 Residential. Special exception to allow a multi-family dwelling. | Application was denied on May 2, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-09 Valley Forge Presbyterian Church |
191 Town Center Rd., Zoned R-2 Residential. Variance to allow second ground sign. | Application continued until further notice. |
ZHB 2012-10 Gerald and Diane Denick |
735 Champlain Dr., Zoned R-2A. Variance to construct an attached garage and encroach setbacks. | Application was approved on June 20, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-11 Penelope Helenski |
Third St. (Swedeland), Zoned R-3. Appeal of Z.O. determination regarding the use of the property. | Application withdrawn. |
ZHB 2012-12 Michael J. Fichera |
516 Valleywyck Dr., Zoned R-2A. Variance to encroach rear yard setback in order to construct an addition. | Application was approved on June 20, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-13 John Miraglia |
360 Brownlie Rd., Zoned R-2. Variance to encroach setbacks and exceed building height for an accessory structure. | Application approved on December 19, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-14 John and Lisa Egan |
505 Forest Rd., Zoned R-1. Variance to encroach setback in order to construct a detached garage. | Application was denied on July 18, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-15 Pier 1 Imports |
140 Allendale Rd., Zoned C-1 Commercial. Variance to erect sign on rear building elevation. | Application withdrawn on September 6, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-16 Pasquale Cardone |
281 Sweetbriar Rd., Zoned UR-Unit Residential. Variance to construct garage and encroach setbacks. | Application was approved on September 5, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-17 Brian Harkin |
399 Old Fort Rd., Zoned R-2 Residential. Variance to construct garage and encroach setbacks. | Application approved on October 3, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-18 Ed Smith |
237 Chapel Lane, Zoned R-2 Residential. Variance to construct an addition and encroach setbacks. | Application approved on October 3, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-19 Yuwen Li |
321 W. Beidler Rd., Zoned R-2 Residential. Variance to construct an addition and encroach setbacks. | Application denied on October 3, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-20 Martha Licwinko |
360 Ross Rd., Zoned R-2 Residential. Variance to disturb steep slopes in order to construct a new single-family dwelling. | Application approved on October 17, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-21 Roland Muller and Anh Pham |
123 Gypsy Lane, Zoned R-1 Residential. Variance to convert a single-family dwelling into a Bed and Breakfast. | Application re-scheduled for January 16, 2013. |
ZHB 2012-22 Brendan Gibbons; |
353 S. Gulph Rd., Zoned R-1 Residential. Variance to exceed building height for a detached garage. | Application approved on October 3, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-23 Richard and Christine Root |
255 Gypsy Lane., Zoned R-1 Residential. Special Exception to replace bridge over the driveway. | Application approved on October 17,2012. |
ZHB 2012-24 Robert and Kathryn Brown |
245 Gypsy Lane, Zoned R-1 Residential. Special Exception to replace bridge over the driveway. | Application approved on October 17, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-25 William and Janice Vogle |
507 Brookwood Rd., Zoned R-1. Special Exception to allow chickens. | Application approved on November 14, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-26 Francis Schultz |
707 Flinthill Rd., Zoned LI-Limited Industrial. Variance to construct garages. | Application scheduled for April 17, 2013. |
ZHB 2012-27 Francis Schultz |
1100 Lafayette Rd., Zoned R-1A. Variance to exceed building height. | Application approved on November 14, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-28 David March |
417 Bluebuff Rd., Zoned R-2. Variance to encroach setbacks. | Application approved on December 5, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-29 Ethosource, LLC. |
411 Yerkes Rd., Zoned LI – Limited Industrial. Variance to permit retail sales. | Application withdrawn. |
ZHB 2012-30 V.F. Center Associates, LP |
105 Town Center Rd., Zoned SC-Shopping Center. Variance to erect signs. | Application approved on February 6, 2013. |
ZHB 2012-31 Enterprise Leasing Co. |
801 W. DeKalb Pike, Zoned C1-Commercial. Variance to erect signs. | Application approved on December 5, 2012. |
ZHB 2012-32 Raymond and Rosalie Sherman |
424 Gypsy Lane, Zoned R1-Residential. Variance to construct detached garage. | Application withdrawn. |
ZHB 2012-33 David and Sheryl Williams |
920 Croton Rd., Zoned R-1A. Variance to operate business from the residential property. | Application is scheduled for February 20, 2013. |
ZHB 2012-34 Pep Boys |
214 E. DeKalb Pike, Zoned HI/CO. Variance to allow retail sales of automotive parts. | Application approved on February 20, 2013. |
Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments regarding the applications before the Zoning Hearing Board, please contact the Township’s Chief Building Official, Mark Zadroga, at (610) 205-8511.
Agendas And Minutes
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Right To Know
Proposed Ordinance - Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance Amendments (79.3 KiB)
Proposed Ordinance - Non Conforming Lots (121.1 KiB)
Proposed Ordinance - Marijuana Possession (200.2 KiB)
Proposed Ordinance - Fence Regulations (117.3 KiB)
Proposed Ordinance - Fence Regulations (117.3 KiB)
Proposed Ordinance - Fence Regulations (117.3 KiB)
Proposed Ordinance - Fence Regulations (117.3 KiB)
Minutes - 20210111 - January 11, 2021 (124.9 KiB)
Minutes - 20210111 - January 11, 2021 (124.9 KiB)
Full Plan Set (26.6 MiB)
DP 2020-8 PennDOT RTMC (15.6 MiB)
DP 2020-7 3700 Horizon Drive (22.4 MiB)
DP 2020-5 125 Valley Green Lane (1.1 MiB)
DP 2020-4 127 S Gulph (14.1 MiB)
BCA Organization Project Report Directions (233.9 KiB)
Agenda-20210422-April-22-2021 Joint Meeting (70.2 KiB)
Agenda-20210413-April-13-2021-Joint Meeting (73.2 KiB)
Agenda - 20210209 - Feb 9, 2021 Business (49.4 KiB)
1CoverParcel (1.3 MiB)