Visit Tri-State Financial Group’s website at www.tfgtax.com for all Upper Merion Township Business Licensing and Business Tax Questions
Effective January 1, 2022, Tri-State Financial Group, LLC, has been appointed by Upper Merion Township to act as the tax administrator for the Township in matters of tax compliance for the Business Privilege / Mercantile, Local Services and Amusement Taxes. Tri-State Financial Group, LLC is authorized to represent the Township in the investigation, assessment, and collection of taxes, interest, penalties, and fines.
All information obtained by Tri-State Financial Group, LLC as a result of any returns, investigations, hearings, or verifications required or authorized by the Upper Merion Township Code of General Ordinances, shall be confidential and used for official purposes only as provided by law.
The current due date for the 2022 Mercantile License and/or Business Privilege Registration is January 31, 2022. Starting with the 2023 license period, the due date will change to coincide with the Business Privilege and Mercantile Tax return and will be due April 15, 2023.
A copy of Upper Merion Township’s Resolution, as well as the 2022 tax forms and business applications, are available on Tri-State Financial Group’s website at www.tfgtax.com.
Please direct all questions regarding Business Licensing and Business Taxes to Tri-State Financial Group.
Phone: 610-270-9520
Email: info@tfgtax.com
Address: 408 East Fourth St. Suite 106 Bridgeport, Pa 19405
Website: www.tfgtax.com