Status of Applications
The table below outlines the current status of applications either heard by or pending before the Upper Merion Township Zoning Hearing Board. The applications are submitted to the township by the owner of the property, equitable owner or tenant.
Applicant | Proposed Development | Status |
2013-01 AT&T |
541 Flinthill Rd., Zoned LI. Variance to erect cell phone tower. | Application approved on April 3, 2013. |
2013-02 Valley Forge Colonial, LLP (Casino) |
1160 First Ave., Zoned AR-1. Variance to erect signage. | Application approved on June 5, 2013. |
2013-03 Burger King Restaurant |
568 W. DeKalb Pike, Zoned C-1. Variance to erect signage. | Application approved on March 20, 2013. |
2013-04 Andrew Amsterdam |
333 S. Henderson Rd., Zoned LI. Variance to erect electronic, changeable sign. | Application denied on March 6, 2013. |
2013-05 Kirk Peterman |
282 Westfall Ave., Zoned R-2. Variance to construct a deck and encroach setbacks. | Application approved on April 3, 2013. |
2013-06 Ethosource |
411 Yerkes Rd., Zoned LI. Variance to allow retail sales. | Application approved on April 17, 2013. |
2013-07 William Chu |
444 Crooked Lane, Zoned LI. Special exception to increase existing non-conforming use. | Application approved on May 1, 2013. |
2013-08 Brian Hankin |
385 Country Lane, Zoned R-2. Variance to construct garage and encroach sideyard setback. | Application approved on April 17, 2013. |
2013-09 Park Ridge Hotel |
480 N. Gulph Rd., Zoned SM. Variance to erect second ground sign. | Application approved on May 1, 2013. |
2013-10 Thornton Properties IV |
468 Swedeland Rd., Zoned LI. Variance to encroach rear-yard setback. | Application approved on April 17, 2013. |
2013-11 Mr. and Mrs. Shearer |
481 Regimental Rd., Zoned R-2A. Variance to locate a shed in the side yard. | Application approved on May 1, 2013. |
2013-12 Debra Heschl |
210 Riverview Rd., Zoned R-2, Special exception to operate a child daycare home. | Application approved on June 5, 2013. |
2013-13 Manor Care, LLC |
600 W. Valley Forge Rd., Zoned AR. Special exception to expand existing facility. | Application approved on June 26, 2013. |
2013-14 Business Improvement District |
N. Gulph Rd. and First Ave., Zoned AR. Variance to construct signs in the right of way. | Schedule pending. |
2013-15 Laurie Van Metre |
755 Crooked Lane, Zoned R-1. Variance to encroach side-yard setback. | Application approved on June 5, 2013. |
2013-16 Sue’s Pet Pampering |
175 Brownlie Rd., Zoned R-2. Variance to operate a business. | Application denied on October 2, 2013. |
2013-17 James Bentley |
113 Upper Gulph Rd., Zoned R-1A. Variance to construct an accessory structure. | Application approved on June 26, 2013. |
2013-18 William Chu |
444 Crooked Lane, Zoned LI. Variance to construct an addition. | Application denied on November 6, 2013. |
2013-19 Jeffrey Podoshen |
480 Woodhill Rd., Zoned R-1A. Special exception to construct an addition to the existing non-conforming dwelling. | Application approved on August 7, 2013. |
2013-20 Susan Allan |
1220 County Line Rd., Zoned R-1A. Special exception to construct an addition to the existing non-conforming dwelling. | Application approved on August 7, 2013. |
2013-21 Julian Krinsky |
610 S. Henderson Rd., Zoned SM-1. Variance to erect signs on the building. | Application has been withdrawn. |
2013-22 Helenski/Gerloch |
685 Third St., Zoned R-3 Residential. Variance to exceed building height. | Application denied on August 21, 2013. |
2013-23 CLJ Real Estate, LLC. |
455 W. DeKalb Pike, Zoned C1-Commercial. Variance to construct carwash. | Application approved on August 21, 2013. |
2013-24 Joseph DeWitt |
120 Hamlet Drive, Zoned R-3A Residential. Variance to encroach setbacks. | Application approved on October 2, 2013. |
2013-25 Mark Novitski |
406 Coates St., Zoned R-3 Residential. Variance to convert single family dwelling to multiple family dwelling. | Incomplete application returned. |
2013-26 Francis E. Schultz, Jr. |
530 Hertzog Blvd., Zoned LI. Special Exception to allow an indoor recreational facility. | Application approved on October 2, 2013. |
2013-27 Chick-Fil-A |
135 W. DeKalb Pike, Zoned C1-Com. Variance to relocate building signage. | Zoning Application withdrawn. Relief Not Required. |
2013-28 Queen Appliance Wholesale |
600 S. Henderson Rd., Zoned SM-1. Variance to permit retail sales. | Application approved on November 6, 2013. |
2013-29 Jane Moran |
211 Jefferson St., Zoned R-3. Variance to construct a patio and encroach sideyard setback. | Application approved on November 20, 2013. |
2013-30 Joseph and Laura Bednar |
357 Ross Rd., Zoned R-2 and HI. Variance to construct a single family dwelling. | Application approved on November 20, 2013. |
2013-31 Upper Merion Township |
431 W. Valley Forge Rd., Zoned R2-A. Variance to reduce the required number of parking spaces. | Application approved on December 4, 2013. |
2013-32 Valley Forge Towers Apartments North |
300 Valley Forge Circle, Zoned HR. Variance to allow a restaurant. | Application approved on January 15, 2014. |
2013-33 McDonald’s |
151 N. Henderson Rd., Zoned SC. Variance to allow electronic message board and increase sign height. | Application has been continued until February 19, 2014. |
2013-34 Robert and Erica Stefanik |
524 Marwyck Circle, Zoned R2-A. Variance to construct an addition that will encroach into the rear-yard setback. | Application approved on February 19, 2014. |
2013-35 555 Henderson, LP. |
555 S. Henderson Rd., Zoned LI. Variance to reduce the required number of parking spaces and special exception to permit a recreational trampoline park. | Application approved on March 5, 2014. |
2013-36 Andrew Branca |
433 East Church Road, Zoned LI Limited Industrial, Appeal / Variance to construct an accessory structure. | Application denied on October 15, 2014. |
Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments regarding the applications before the Zoning Hearing Board, please contact the Township’s Chief Building Official, Mark Zadroga, at (610) 205-8511.
Agendas And Minutes
Code Enforcement
Human Resources
Parks and Recreation
Public Information
Public Notices
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Right To Know
Proposed Ordinance - Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance Amendments (79.3 KiB)
Proposed Ordinance - Non Conforming Lots (121.1 KiB)
Proposed Ordinance - Marijuana Possession (200.2 KiB)
Proposed Ordinance - Fence Regulations (117.3 KiB)
Proposed Ordinance - Fence Regulations (117.3 KiB)
Proposed Ordinance - Fence Regulations (117.3 KiB)
Proposed Ordinance - Fence Regulations (117.3 KiB)
Minutes - 20210111 - January 11, 2021 (124.9 KiB)
Minutes - 20210111 - January 11, 2021 (124.9 KiB)
Full Plan Set (26.6 MiB)
DP 2020-8 PennDOT RTMC (15.6 MiB)
DP 2020-7 3700 Horizon Drive (22.4 MiB)
DP 2020-5 125 Valley Green Lane (1.1 MiB)
DP 2020-4 127 S Gulph (14.1 MiB)
BCA Organization Project Report Directions (233.9 KiB)
Agenda-20210422-April-22-2021 Joint Meeting (70.2 KiB)
Agenda-20210413-April-13-2021-Joint Meeting (73.2 KiB)
Agenda - 20210209 - Feb 9, 2021 Business (49.4 KiB)
1CoverParcel (1.3 MiB)