Status of Applications
The table below outlines the current status of applications either heard by or pending before the Upper Merion Township Zoning Hearing Board. The applications are submitted to the township by the owner of the property, equitable owner or tenant.
Applicant | Proposed Development | Status |
2014-01 Tri-County Builders |
724 Fraley Street, Zoned R-3. Variance to construct a semi-detached twin dwelling. | Application denied on April 16, 2014. |
2014-02 Andrew and Laura Baron |
409 Fairview Rd., Zoned R-2. Variance to construct an addition that will encroach into the rear-yard set-back. | Application approved on April 2, 2014. |
2014-03 Willner Properties |
150 Allendale Rd., Zoned C-O and C-1. Variance to erect a ground sign on the property. | Application approved on April 2, 2014. |
2014-04 Edward and Claire Silcox |
256 E. Valley Forge Rd., Zoned R-2. Variance to construct a carport that will encroach the side-yard set-back. | Application denied on May 7, 2014. |
2014-05 Thomas and Jennifer Barr |
693 Forest Rd., Zoned R-1A. Variance to allow an in-law suite. | Application approved on May 21, 2014. |
2014-06 Emanuel and Andreana Chryssos |
656 Shoemaker Lane, Zoned R-1. Special exception to allow guinea hens on the property. | Application approved on May 7, 2014. |
2014-07 Jennifer Smith and Ronald Williford |
1069 and 1059 Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Zoned R-1A. Variance to construct new single-family dwelling. | Application approved on May 21, 2014. |
2014-08 Richard and Pamela Fox |
200 E. DeKalb Pike, Zoned HI. Variance to allow residential units. | Application was withdrawn. |
2014-09 YSC Real Estate, LP |
224 County Line Rd., Zoned AG. Variance to encroach setbacks and exceed building coverage. | Application has been approved on May 21, 2014. |
2014-10 |
724 Fraley St., Zoned R-3. Variance to construct a semi-detached twin dwelling. | Application denied on July 16, 2014. |
2014-11 504 & 538 Swedeland Rd. Associates, LP |
504 & 538 Swedeland Rd., Zoned LI. Special exception to operate a sanatorium. | Application was withdrawn. |
2014-12 Michael Scavello |
225 Bradley St., Zoned R-3. Applicant is appealing Zoning Officer’s Notice of Violation. | Application denied on June 17, 2015. |
2014-13 Joyce Outdoor Advertising |
349 S. Henderson Rd., Zoned LI. Applicant is proposing to erect a billboard on the property. | Application denied August 20, 2014. |
2014-14 Dennis & Susan Regan |
437 Church St., Zoned R-2. Variance to construct an attached garage. | Application approved on July 16, 2014. |
2014-15 Pike 705, LLC |
705, 707, 709 and 715 W. DeKalb Pike, Zoned C-O Commercial Office. Variance to construct new building. |
Application was approved on September 3, 2014. |
2014-16 DKC 31, LLC |
727, 729, and 731 W. DeKalb Pike, Zoned C-O Commercial Office. Variance to construct new building. | Application denied on September 3, 2014. |
2014-17 DKF 11, LLC |
611 W. DeKalb Pike and 107 Forge Rd., Zoned C-O and R-2. Variance to construct new building. |
Application denied on September 3, 2014. |
2014-18 Kimberly Trigone |
751 Red Oak Terrace, Zoned R-1. Variance to exceed building height. | Application approved on October 1, 2014. |
2014-19 King of Prussia Volunteer Fire Co. |
170 Allendale Rd., Zoned C-1. Increase size of existing billboard. | Application approved on October 15, 2014. |
2014-20 Brendan Gibbons |
353 S. Gulph Rd., Zoned R-1. Variance to allow business use. | Application denied on October 1, 2014. |
2014-21 John Biegalski |
581 Lindsey Drive, Zoned R-1. Appeal Zoning Officer’s determination. | Application has been withdrawn. |
2014-22 Tri-Murti Associates |
625 W. DeKalb Pike, Zoned C-O. Variance to construct trash enclosure. | Application approved on November 5, 2014. |
2014-23 David March |
417 Bluebuff Rd., Zoned R-2. Variance to encroach setbacks. | Application denied on November 19, 2014. |
2014-24 J. Russen |
703 Jonathan Drive, Zoned U-R Unit Residential. Variance to construct a carport. | Application denied on July 15, 2015. |
2014-25 Paul Arnett |
410 James St., Zoned R-2. Variance to construct garage in the floodplain. | Application continued until further notice. |
2014-26 King of Prussia Volunteer Fire Company |
170 Allendale Rd., Zoned C-1. Variance to construct electronic, changeable sign. | Application denied on November 19, 2014. |
2014-27 King of Prussia Volunteer Fire Company |
300 W. Beidler Rd., Zoned R-2. Variance to construct electronic, changeable sign. | Application denied on November 19, 2014. |
2014-28 Sky Group Investments, LLC. |
300 Goddard Boulevard, Zoned LI. Special Exception to allow the use the recreational use. Variance to reduce the required parking. | Application approved on December 3, 2014. |
2014-29 Trinity Episcopal Church |
966 Trinity Lane, Zoned R-1A. Variance to encroach setbacks. | Application approved on February 18, 2015. |
2014-30 AT&T Mobility |
620 W. DeKalb Pike, Zoned SC. Variance to allow additional signs. | Application has been continued. |
Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments regarding the applications before the Zoning Hearing Board, please contact the Township’s Chief Building Official, Mark Zadroga, at (610) 205-8511.
Agendas And Minutes
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Right To Know
Proposed Ordinance - Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance Amendments (79.3 KiB)
Proposed Ordinance - Non Conforming Lots (121.1 KiB)
Proposed Ordinance - Marijuana Possession (200.2 KiB)
Proposed Ordinance - Fence Regulations (117.3 KiB)
Proposed Ordinance - Fence Regulations (117.3 KiB)
Proposed Ordinance - Fence Regulations (117.3 KiB)
Proposed Ordinance - Fence Regulations (117.3 KiB)
Minutes - 20210111 - January 11, 2021 (124.9 KiB)
Minutes - 20210111 - January 11, 2021 (124.9 KiB)
Full Plan Set (26.6 MiB)
DP 2020-8 PennDOT RTMC (15.6 MiB)
DP 2020-7 3700 Horizon Drive (22.4 MiB)
DP 2020-5 125 Valley Green Lane (1.1 MiB)
DP 2020-4 127 S Gulph (14.1 MiB)
BCA Organization Project Report Directions (233.9 KiB)
Agenda-20210422-April-22-2021 Joint Meeting (70.2 KiB)
Agenda-20210413-April-13-2021-Joint Meeting (73.2 KiB)
Agenda - 20210209 - Feb 9, 2021 Business (49.4 KiB)
1CoverParcel (1.3 MiB)